The Future of Learning: Redefining Readiness from the Inside Out, was named the 2018 Most Significant Futures Works by the Association of Professional Futurists at the organization’s annual meeting. This work was created through my collaboration with the KnowledgeWorks foundation.
Since then I have worked with many organizations in the K12 and postsecondary education space to think strategically about the impacts of accelerating technologies on education and align their visions toward the emerging horizon of change. What does living well as a lifelong learner with meaningful work look like in 2040? What do we need to put in place today to enable a system of teaching and learning that will help our youth thrive in the future?
A summary from one workshop focused on the strategic needs to re-imagine technology integration; re-design school and learning with social-emotional learning at the center; and re-contextualizing college admissions. Download the report for more.